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How to find the one (graphic designer) for your brand?


If you just thought of a perfect brand, service or product you probably got super excited, ready to jump head first into the project and make it alive as fast as possible. And you know one of the first things you need is some kind of branding. You probably need a logo, website, some social media accounts to start marketing this new venture, but as thrilling as it is, you probably need some help and if you are a non-designer this help has to come from someone with some graphic design experience. So how do you go about finding someone you will confide your business in? I get that you would probably love to have everything set up as fast as possible and probably also as cheap as possible, however this may not be the best route to go. Finding a perfect graphic designer for your brand or in other words a brand designer is actually a very important step that you shouldn’t overlook. But how do you actually know if the person you found on the Internet and want to hire is really a good fit for your business and your goals? The steps I will lay down for you today aren’t obviously a magic formula but I think that if you need to hire a designer for the first time they will definitely help you ease the struggle and hopefully find your perfect branding match.

First things first you need to get to find any designers, right? Fortunately, this is a pretty easy step. You can ask your friends and family if they maybe know anyone who could potentially design your branding, check out Facebook groups in your niche or search #branding #branddesign on Instagram. With a little luck, you will and up with a fair number of possible matches and that’s where the tricky part begins and you should use these few tips to really get it done right.

1. Stalk them online (in a professional, non-creepy way)

The simple fact that someone IS a graphic designer doesn’t mean they will be the right fit to design your brand. Think about it more like online dating. You wouldn’t just go out, yet alone marry the first person you see on the dating app. It’s just common sense, yet somehow, I still find people settling for the first graphic designer they find and often regretting this decision later. So before making any moves, snoop around a little. Go to their website, check if it looks legitimate. See what types of projects they do. If a designer only shows their logotypes they probably aren’t the best choice if you would like a mascot logo or a lot of illustrations for your brand’s social media. Each graphic designer has their own style and that’s a good thing but you need to make sure it’s the style you too like. Also as a side note I would say it is better to go for people who actually are brand designers and specialise in branding if that’s what you need, as their expertise will often be more strategy and business-goal focused than if you for example hired an illustrator to design your logo.

2. Don’t talk money during the first date.

A little controversial advice that can actually save you more than just money. Whether you just want a logo (which I don’t recommend for the reasons you can find here) or a full and elaborate branding with a lot of assets, don’t start the conversation with your potential designer by talking price. At that point, we just know you need a logo or a website, but that actually doesn’t tell us much. Get on a call with the designer, let them get to know you. What are your hopes and dreams for the business? What do you actually need to achieve them? How they can be of help creating something that aligns with these goals?

3. Before the second date see if they are interested in you.

During the discovery call see what they talk about. Do they just try to prove themselves and convince you or are they actively seek to get to know you better? Do they ask questions about your brand and listen carefully to your answers? Just like with dating if they are not interested in you, it is better to save your time and move on.

4. Communication matters in every relationship

Is the designer precise, straight-forward and easy to understand? Do they explain design terms explicitly? If you get confused during your first conversation you will probably stay confused and that may ultimately lead up to misunderstandings and frustration on both sights – not the best scenario for working together.

5. It doesn’t matter (that much) if others like them.

Finally! You talked to a few designers and narrowed your search to two or three choices. Now it is not only the right time to ask for the price (as it may play a big factor in your final decision but definitely shouldn’t determine it) but also seek some social proof. Do the designers you chose have testimonials on their websites? Can you actually find the companies they worked with? As seeing other people happy with someone’s services can help build trust it may be worth it. However, don’t underestimate young designers who are only getting their foot in the industry. They will probably not only have better prices (as with greater experience comes bigger price) but also if you followed all of the previous steps they may turn out to be your perfect match with their fresh enthusiasm and dedication to help your brand thrive.

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